Supporting PNRA is an excellent way to be a part of our mission to support the training of our nation’s competitive rowing teams, provide opportunities for area youth to excel in the sport of rowing and expand rowing in the greater Mercer County area.
You can help PNRA fulfill its goal of reaching out to the young people of the Trenton area to provide them with the lessons, opportunities and pleasures of rowing.
You can also designate your gift to go to the Friends of Mercer Rowing which supports the Mercer Junior Rowing Programs.
The variety of ways by which you can support PNRA are listed below.
The following form can be used to make a secure on-line donation. Checks can be sent to: Princeton National Rowing Association, 1 South Post Road, West Windsor NJ 08550 (PNRA’s EIN is 223745915). Please note on the check how you would like the gift to be directed.
Donations can also be made through contributions of securities, in-kind donations of rowing equipment (Wish List) or regatta related services. Contact Kris Grudt (609-799-1543) for other gift forms.
The Princeton National Rowing Association is a recognized 501(c)3 organization. Gifts and contributions may be tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Donate Now
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Legacy Gifts/Bequests
Legacy Gifts/Bequests
A Bequest
What is it?
Simply put, a bequest is a gift you leave through a will or trust. It is often the easiest way to support your charitable interests because you can support the Princeton National Rowing Association and Mercer Rowing Programs while retaining complete control over your assets during your lifetime. Bequests can be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or what remains after other bequests, such as those to family members, are satisfied.
You may direct your bequest to the Princeton National Rowing Association to benefit the Mercer Rowing Programs, National Team Training, our Outreach Programs or rowing accessibility through the Annitto Fund. Or, if you like, you may ask us to use it for whatever is most needed.
- You can give cash, appreciated stocks, or other assets.
- Bequests to the Princeton National Rowing Association earn a full charitable deduction on estate taxes.
- Some of the most tax-efficient asset types to give through your will come from retirement plans, since heirs would be taxed on the income in respect of the decedent.
- You may arrange for your heirs to receive lifetime income from a charitable trust, with the remainder going to the Princeton National Rowing Association for charitable purposes.
Next Steps:
- It is important to leave clear instructions. You can use the suggested language below as a guide when naming the Princeton National Rowing Association as the recipient of gifts through your will or trust.
- For retirement assets, simply name the Princeton National Rowing Association as a beneficiary.
- Contact the Princeton National Rowing Association so we can assist you and your attorney to develop a bequest that suits your charitable goals.
- We welcome the opportunity to thank you for your generosity; please share your plans with us by contacting us or completing a Legacy Society Form.
Thank you.
Sample Language for a Charitable Bequest
You may use any of the following four types of bequests to direct your gift to The Princeton National Rowing Association.
- Percentage: “I devise to the Princeton National Rowing Association, a not for profit corporation of the State of New Jersey, located at 1 South Post Road, West Windsor, NJ 08550, ____% of my estate.”
- Specific: “I devise to the Princeton National Rowing Association, a not for profit corporation of the State of New Jersey, located at 1 South Post Road, West Windsor, NJ 08550, (Choose one) 1) The sum of $___________.” 2) __________ shares of stock in _______________ Company.”, or 3) my real property commonly known as _________________.”
- Residual: “I devise my residual estate to the Princeton National Rowing Association, a not for profit corporation of the State of New Jersey, located at 1 South Post Road, West Windsor, NJ 08550.”
- Contingent: “In the event of the death of any of the beneficiaries, I devise to the Princeton National Rowing Association, a not for profit corporation of the State of New Jersey, located at 1 South Post Road, West Windsor, NJ 08550, (percentage, specific, or residual language as above).”
Matching Gifts
Matching Gifts
Many employers offer a matching gift program and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours; you can double, triple or even quintuple the size – and impact – of your gift to PNRA at no additional cost to you. Please enter your company’s name in the search box below to see if your company will match your gift.
Program and Regatta Sponsorship
PNRA is in search of title sponsors for its rowing programs and upcoming regattas on Mercer Lake. There are great opportunities that range from website exposure to boat naming rights! Our board sponsorship opportunites include:
- The Mercer Lake Sprints, a showcase opportunity for our program as well as local businesses. Last year, the Sprints drew nearly 10,000 competitors and spectators from across our region. It is a great event for businesses or organizations looking to promote their product or brand to a large number of people in a short period of time. The Sprints will be held on April 16-17, 2016. Click here for Mercer Lake Sponsorship Benefits.
- The year-round Mercer Rowing Programs through which sponsors receive 365 days of exposure to a dedicated group of local youth and adults with attractive demographics, plus regional exposure at the Mercer Lake Sprints. Click here for Mercer Rowing Program Sponsorship Benefits.
For more information on corporate sponsorship packages please contact Events Manager Hilary Gehman at

The annual operations of PNRA’s programs and the Finn M. W. Caspersen Rowing Center are dependent on annual giving. Please use PNRA’s Annual Fund Contribution Form to make a contribution, or click “Donate Now” above to use our secure form to make your online credit card donation.
PNRA also accepts gifts of stock. Making a gift of appreciated stock is a great way to make your gift extend further since you may be able to take credit for the full value of the appreciated stock and minimize taxes on capital gains. If you interested in making a donation of stock, please contact Kristopher Grudt ( or 609-799-7100 x100).
Planned Giving
Join PNRA’s Legacy Society and make a major impact on the financial stability of PNRA and the Finn M. W. Caspersen Rowing Center. A personalized planned giving program will maximize the benefits and give you the personal financial flexibility that you desire. Please contact the Executive Director Kristopher Grudt, for more information, email
Annitto Fund

In 2005, PNRA established the Annitto Fund in honor of Rebecca Annitto, an MJRC coxswain who passed away that year. The goal of the fund is to provide finanical assistance to rowers and families to make rowing accessible to all.
Rebecca “Little Becca” Annitto, a MJRC coxswain, passed away in the fall of 2005 in a tragic automobile accident. Although she was tiny in stature, Rebecca had a huge heart and loved to help people in need. Not only was she a talented coxswain, but she also found time to start S.O.S., a Princeton based organization that connects students to organizations who are looking for help with service projects. This fund was dedicated in her memory for continuing her ambition of helping others have access to rowing.
For more information on the Annitto Fund please contact PNRA’s Executive Director Kris Grudt at 609-799-7100 x100 or
Mark A. Tratenberg Memorial Fund
Donations to the Mark A. Tratenberg Memorial Fund will be used towards the purchase of rowing equipment for the Mercer Junior Rowing Team. In the spring of 2014, Mark A. Tratenberg gave a foundation gift towards the purchase of a new eight person boat for the MJRC girls team. Initial donations will be used to complete payment on this boat. Any additional donations will be restricted to the purchase of new equipment for the Mercer Junior Rowing Program.
Thank you
The organization, quality, and success of our programs and regattas are directly related to volunteer support. There are a variety of areas in which we need human resources, especially at regattas. There are many volunteer opportunities that are available to high school students and require no prior knowledge of rowing. We are happy to provide documentation of volunteer service.
If you are interested in having a direct impact in our programs through volunteering for an upcoming event or for the upkeep of the boathouse, please contact Events Manager Hilary Gehman by email at or telephone at (609) 799-7100 x107.
Item | Description | Price | # | ||
Summer Rowing League – Single Person – 2 Day Per Week | Adult Summer Rowing League registration for a single person participating 2 days each week. | Suggested Price: $425.00 | |||
Summer Rowing League – Team Payment | PNRA Summer Rowing League Team Registration | Suggested Price: $2,000.00 | |||
Summer Rowing League – Single Person – 1 Day Per Week | Registration fee for PNRA's Summer Rowing League - Single person registration | Suggested Price: $250.00 | |||
PNRA Canvas Tote Bag | Canvas tote bag with blue bottom and straps and PNRA logo. Features a snap closure and a front pocket | Suggested Price: $20.00 | |||
PNRA Logo Yellow T-Shirt | Yellow T-Shirt with red and blue PNRA logo on the front of the shirt. 100% cotton. | Suggested Price: $4.00 | |||
MJRC Bumper Sticker | Proudly display your Mercer Junior Rowing Club affiliation with a MJRC bumper Sticker | Suggested Price: $2.50 |