Picture Day and Clothing Updates

Hello Mercer friends and family!

Tomorrow, May 2nd, we will be taking team pictures at the boathouse before practice starts. Please wear your team’s UNIFORM whether that is a uni or white t-shirt and black spandex. If your 8th grader does not have a white Mercer shirt one will be provided for them!

This picture session will also include senior pictures, so if your senior knows which college they will be attending please bring a shirt (or hat) with that school’s name or logo on it. If they are still undecided, the Mercer uniform will be the alternative.

All clothing orders from Nike, Patagonia, and JL will be in by this Friday. Currently we have everything but the JL outerwear currently in the office. Please see Coach Amanda to pick up your gear!

We will also have a table out with all the Lost and Found items displayed. Please have your rower check the table even if they don’t think they are missing anything! We have an impressive collection of sweatshirts and trou that will be donated later this week if not claimed on Wednesday.

Let’s all enjoy this beautiful weather!