Information Sessions and Spring Registration

Hello Mercer friends and family,

To help raise awareness of our club we are holding five information sessions all over central Jersey. We need YOUR HELP to get the word out to the communities! Flyers will be handed out at practice this week; put them up in your local grocery store, coffee shop, local restaurant, etc. and get the word out. Below I have the links to each flyer in case you are unable to be at the boathouse the next few weeks. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Coach Amanda at


South Brunswick-RowingOpenHouseSB




All Sessions-RowingPoster2018

It’s now time to start thinking about spring! Registration is open for the spring Novice team and Varsity try-outs. If you participated in the 8th grade program a private email was sent to you with a link to sign up for the spring program. This way we allow the rowers from fall to sign up first. We will then extend any open spots to the fall waitlist and finally, March 1st, the remaining spots will be open to the public. Please contact your respective coach if you have any issues signing up or are in need of financial aid.

The Mercer Indoor Row for the Cure will be held March 11th in Peddie’s wresting room and is open to all levels of rowers! Sign up on Regatta Central for your shot to win the PINK HAMMER! Your registration cost will go to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization.